Cheile Turzii were formed when the hoof of Alexandru Macedon 's horse hit the huge limestone rock. Following the strong blow, the rock was divided into two, two steep and rocky slopes, on one of them, remaining the fog of enemies, who had been following the emperor for several days, and on the other side, the one from Turda, the emperor himself remained. and his faithful horse. Going further and looking deeper on this slope, we also find the Emperor's Fountain , in the form of a footprint in the limestone rock, of a large horse's snout, following the bidivi's nostrils, being the place where the water coming out of the stone gathers?. Cheile Turzii, legende urbane [:]
Cheile Turzii remains one of the most important tourist attractions in Romania, which will delight you with dreamy landscapes, will amaze you with the possibility of practicing extreme sports and, last but not least, with the special importance they have for speleological tourism.
Try to imagine 3 whole kilometers of paved road, beaten by weather and rain, bordered by high walls, made of rock. If you succeed, in general, you will realize what fabulous landscapes you can see, while walking through the Turzii Gorges.
The stone columns, the rocky corners and the steep walls, some even higher than 250 meters are defining elements for the panorama of the Gorges. The "architect" of these miracles is the Hasdate River, a small tributary of the Aries, which has made its way through the Jurassic limestones in the northeast of the Tra?c?u Mountains. They formed more than 150 million years ago in the Jurassic. The walls of the gorge reach, in some areas, even 300 meters high and are the highest in the Apuseni Mountains. .. Cheile Turzii, a landscape built by nature at the time dinosaurs
Near the Petridului mountain, which is also called Cheia Turzii, where there are many caves for many centuries, because this rocky mountain is cut by the H??datului valley, which comes from the Apuseni mountains of Transylvania and flows into Arie?, from above Turda, near that big rock crack, I say that a single man, Alexander the Great, jumped with his horse, Ducipal. And when the horse was leaping, they were astonished, and spake the trumpets of the north, and blew with the nostrils, until a fountain was made. In the depths of the Turzii Key flows a valley, the H??datului valley, which leads several mills. The fountain is still called Ducipal's Fountain, the horse of Alexander the Great. ... F?nt?na lui Ducipal